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다리근육과 기능 : 기시, 정지, 신경지배

다리근육과 기능 : 기시, 정지, 신경지배

다리에는 우리가 생각하지 못했던 수 많은 근육들이 관절에서 시작해서 관절로 향해 다리를 연결하고 움직임을 만들어 냅니다. 근위 관절인 엉덩관절 부위 부터는 보다 큰 근육이 시작되어 무릎과 발목관절을 타고 내려오면서 점차 세분화된 근육들로 변화가 됩니다. 어떤 근육들이 어느 관절에 위치해 있느냐 어떠한 기능을 하느냐에 따라서 근육의 이름이 결정이 됩니다. 오늘은 다리근육을 살펴보면서 근육의 시작점과 끝점인 기시와 정지, 어떤 신경의 지배를 받아서 어떠한 다리의 움직임을 만들어 내는지 그 기능에 대해서 간략하게 알아보도록 하겠습니다.





1. 엉덩근 lliac

· Origin: lliac fossa
· Insertion: lesser thochanter of femur
· Functiom: flexion, abduction and lareral rotation of hip
· Innervation: femoral nerve


2. 큰허리근 Psoas major

· Origin: bodies and transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
· Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
· Function: flexion of thigh: slight adduction of thigh of free limb
· Innervation: second to fourth lumbar nerves


3. 작은허리근 Psoas minor

· Origin: Transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae12th-Lumbar 1st
· Insertion: Lesser thochanter of femur
· Function: flexion, abduction and lareral rotation of hip
· Innervation: femoral nerve


4. 큰볼기근 Gluteus maximus

· Origin: posterior ilium and sacrum
· Insertion: gluteal tuberosity of femur and iliotibial tract
· Function: extend thigh and laterally rotate thigh
· Innervation: inferior gluteal nerve


5. 중간볼기근 Gluteus medius

· Origin: lateral ilium
· Insertion: greater trochanter
· Function:
- anterior fibers: flex thigh and medially rotate thigh
- middle fibers: abduct thigh
- posterior fibers: extend thigh and laterally rotate thigh
· Innervation: superior gluteal nerve


6. 작은볼기근 Gluteus minimus

· Origin: lateral ilium
· Insertion: greater trochanter
· Function:
- anterior fibers; flex thigh and medially rotate thigh
- middle fibers; abduct thigh
- posterior fibers; extend thigh and laterally rotate thigh
· Innervation: superior gluteal nerve


7. 넙다리근막긴장근 Tensor fasciae latae

· Origin: iliac crest and anterior superior iliac spine
· Insertion: iliotibial tract
· Function: abduct thigh and flex thigh
· Innervation: superior gluteal nerve


8. 궁둥구멍근 Piriformis

· Origin: anterior surface of sacrum
· Insertion: greater trochanter
· Funtion: laterally rotate thigh
· Innervation: S1-S2 ventral rami


9. 속폐쇄근 Obturator internus

· Origin:  bone around obturaot foramen on internal surface of pelvis
· Insertion: medial surface of greater above trochanter fossa of femur
· Function: lateral rotation of thigh: Abduction of thigh when thigh is flexed
· Innervation: nerve to obturator internus


10. 위쌍둥이근 Gemellus superior

· Origin: ischial spine
· Insertion: superior border of obturator internus tendon
· Function: lateral rotation of thigh: Abduction of thigh when thigh is flexed
· Innervation; nerve to obturator internus


11. 아래쌍동이근 Inferior gemellus

· Origin: ischial tuberosity
· Insertion: inferior border of obturator internus tendon
· Function: lateral rotation of thigh: Abduction of thigh when thigh is flexed
· Innervation; nerve to quadratus femoris


12. 넙다리네모근 Quadratus femoris

· Origin: ischial tuberosity
· Insertion: posterior surface of femur between greater and lesser trochanters
· Function: lateral rotation and adduction of thigh
· Innervation: nerve to quadratus femoris


13. 넙다리빗근 Sartorius

· Origin: anterior superior iliac spine
· Insertion: medial surface proximal end of tibia just distal to tibial tuberosity
· Function: flexion, abduction and lateral rotation of thigh: flexion of leg
· Innervation: femoral nerve


14. 넙다리곧은근 Rectus femoris

· Origin: anterior inferior iliac spine, ilium above acetabulum
· Insertion: patella and through patellar ligment to tibial tuberosity
· Function: extension of leg, Flexion of thigh
· Innervation: femoral nerve


15. 안쪽넓은근 Vastus medialis

· Origin: medial lip of lines aspera: lower part of intertrochanteric line
· Insertion: patella and through patellar lighment to tibial tuberosity
· Function: extension of leg
· Innervation: femoral nerve


16. 중간넓은근 Vastus intermedius

· Origin: ;ateral lip of linea aspera of femur: limited origin from intertrochanteric line
· Insertion: patella and through patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity
· Function: extension of leg
· Innervation: femoral nerve


17. 가쪽넓은근 Vastus lateralis

· Origin; anterior and lateral surfaces of femur
· Insertion: patrlla and through patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity
· Function: extension of leg
· Innervation: femoral nerve

18. 두덩근 Pectineus

· Origin: superior ramus of pubis
· Insertion: femur just distal to lesser trochanter
· Function: flexion, adduction of thigh
· Innervation: femoral nerve


19. 긴모음근 Adductor longus

· Origin: pubic tubercle
· Insertion: medial lip of linea aspera of femur
· Function: adduction and flexion of thigh
· Innervation: obturator nerve


20. 짧은모음근 Adductor brevis

· Origin: body and inferior ramus of pubis
· Insertion: pectineal line: proximal part of linea aspera
· Function: adduction and flexion of thigh
· Innervation: obturator nerve


21. 큰모음근 Adductor magnus

· Origin: inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium, ischial tuberosity
· Insertion

anterior fibers: linea aspera
posterior fibers: adduction tubercle of femur
· Function

anterior fibers ; addction of thigh flexion of thigh
posterior fibers: extension of thigh
·I nnervation

anterior fibers: Obturator nerve
posterior fibers: Sciatic nerve


22. 두덩정강근 Gracilis

· Origin: inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium
· Insertion: medial surface proximal end of tibia just to medial condyle
· Function: adduction of thigh: flexion of leg, medial rotation of flexed leg
· Innervation: obturaor nerve


23. 바깥폐쇄근 Obturator externus

· Origin: obturator membrane, bone around obturaotr foramen on external surface of pelvis
· Insertion: trochanteric fossa of femur
· Function: lateral rotation of thigh
· Innervation: obturaor nerve


24.넙다리두갈래근 Biceps femoris

· Origin

long head; ischial tuberosity
short head; linea aspera of femur and lateral, intermuscular sepum
· Insertion: head of fibula
· Function: extension of thigh, flexion of led, lateral rotation of flexed leg
 ·Innervation: sciatic nerve(long head-tibial part, short head-common peroneal nerve)


25. 반힘줄근 Semitendinosus

· Origin: ischial tuberosity
· Insertion: medial surface of proximal end of tibia
· Function: extension of thigh, flexion of leg, medial rotation of flexed leg
· Innervation: sciatic nerve, tibial part





26. 반막근 Semimimbranosus

· Origin: ischial tuberosity
· Insertion: medial condyle of tibia
· Function: extension of thigh, flexion of leg, medial rotation of flexed leg
· Innervation: sciatic nerve, tibial part

27. 앞정강근 Tibialis anterior

· Origin: tibia Lateral Shaft ,Interosseous Memrane
· Insertion: base Of 1st Metatarsal, First Cuneform
· Function: dorsiflexion,Inversion
· Innervation: deep peroneal nerve

28. 긴엄지폄근 Extensor hallucis longus

· Origin: middle third of anterior surface of fibula, interosseous membrane
· Insertion: distal phalnx of big toe
· Function: extension of big toe, dorsiflexion and inversion of foot
· Innervation: deep peroneal nerve


29. 셋째종아리근 Peroneus tertius

· Origin: fibula in common with lower fibers of extensor digitourum longus
· Insertion: dorsal surface of base of fifth metatarsal
· Function: doriflexion and evrsion of foot
· Innervation: deep peroneal nerve


30. 긴종아리근 Peroneus longus

· Origin: proximal two thirds of lateral surface of fibula adjacent fascia and intermuscular septa
· Insertion: base of first metatarsal, medial cuneiform
· Function: eversion and weak plantar flexion of foot
· Innervation: superficial peroneal nerve

31. 짧은종아리근 Peroneus brevis

· Origin: inferior 2/3 of lateral fibular surface; also anterior and posterior intermuscular septa of leg
· Insertion: lateral surface of styloid process of 5th metatarsal base
· Function: everts foot and plantar flexes ankle
· Innervation: superficial peroneal nerve

32. 장딴지근 Gastrocnemius

· Origin: medial head from posterior nonarticular surface of medial femoral condyle; Lateral head from lateral surface of femoral lateral condyle
· Insertion: the two heads unite into a broad aponeurosis which eventually unites with the deep tendon of the soleus to form the Achilles tendon, inserting on the middle 1/3 of the posterior calcaneal surface
· Function: powerful plantar flexor of ankle
· Innervation: tibial nerve




33. 가자미근 Soleus

· Origin: posterior aspect of fibular head, upper 1/4 - 1/3 of posterior surface of fibula, middle 1/3 of medial border of tibial shaft, and from posterior surface of a tendinous arch spanning the two sites of bone origin
· Insertion: eventually unites with the gastrocnemius aponeurosis to form the Achilles tendon, inserting on the middle 1/3 of the posterior calcaneal surface
· Function: powerful plantar flexor of ankle
· Innervation: tibial nerve


34. 장딴지빗근 Plantaris

· Origin: inferior aspect of lateral supracondylar line of distal femur
· Insertion: middle 1/3 of the posterior calcaneal surface, just medial to Achilles tendon
·Function: plantar flexor of ankle; also flexes knee
· Innervation: tibial nerve

35. 오금근 Popliteus

· Origin: lateral condyle of femur
· Insertion: proximal third of posterior aspect of tibia
· Function: medial rotation of leg on femur lateral rotation of femur on leg
· Innervation: Tibial nerve


36. 뒤정강근 Tibialis posterior

· Origin: proximal two thirds of posterior surface of tibia, proximal two thirds of fibula interosseous membrane
· Insertion: navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid, bases of second to fourth metatarsals
· Function; adduct forepart of foot inversion and plantar flexion of foot
· Innervation: tibial nerve


37. 긴발가락굽힘근 Flexor Digitorum Longus

· Origin: middle third of posterior surface of tibia
· Insertion: distal phalanges of lateral four toes
· Function: flexes of distal phalanges of lateral four toes weak plantar flexion and inversion of foot
· Innervation: tibial nerve


38. 긴엄지굽힘근 Flexor Hallucis Longus

· Origin: middle half of posterior surface of fibula
· Insertion: distal phalanx of big toe
· Function: flexion of big toe, weak plantar flexion of foot
· Innervation: tibial nerve


39. 긴엄지폄근 Extensor hallucis lingus

· Origin: middle thrid of anterior surface of fibual, interosseous membrane
· Insertion: distal phalnx of big toe
· Function: extension of big toe, dorsiflexion and inversion of foot
· Innervation: deep peroneal nerve


40. 긴발가락폄근 Extensor digitorum longus

· Origin: middle thrid of posterior surface of tibia
· Insertion: distal phalanges of lateral four toes
· Function: flexion of distal phalanges of lateral four toes weak plantar flexion and inversion of foot
· Innervation: tibial nerve


41. 짧은발가락폄근 Extensor digitorum brevis

· Origin: calcaneus
· Insertion: extensor digitorum longus tendons to second to fourth toes
· Function: externsion of second to fourth toes
· Innervation: deep peroneal nerve


42. 짧은엄지굽힘근 Flexor hallucis brevis

· Origin: cuboid bone, lateral cuneiform bone, tendon of tivialis posterior muscle
· Insertion: medial and lateral sides of proximal phalanx of big toe
· Function; flexion of proximal phalanx of big toe
· Innervation: medial plantar nerve


43. 엄지모음근 Adductor hallucis

· Origin

oblique head-bases of second to fourth metatarsals, sheath of peroneus, fourth metatarsla, sheath of peroneus longis tendon

transverse head-capsules of third to fifth metatarsophalangeal joints associated deep transverse metatarsal ligaments
· Insertion: base of proximal phalanx of big toe
· Function: adduction and flexion of big toe
· Innervation: lateral plantar nerve


44. 엄지벌림근 Abductor hallucis

· Origin: medial tuberal process of calcaneus, flexor retinaculum, medial intermuscular septum
· Insertion: proximal phalanx of big toe
· Function: flexion and abduction of big toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
· Innervarion; medial plantar nerve


45. 새끼발가락벌림근 abductor digiti minimi

· Origin: lateral tubercle process of calcaneus, medial process, intervening surface of calcaneus
· Insertion: proximal phalanx of little toe
· Function: flexion and abduction of little toe
· Innervation: lateral plantar nerve


46. 짧은새끼굽힘근 Flexor digiti minimi brevis

· Origin: base of fifth metatarsal
· Insertion: base of proximal phalanx of little toe
· Function: flexion of proximal phalanx of little toe
· Innervation: lateral plantar nerve


47. 짧은발가락굽힘근 Flexor digitorum brevis

· Origin: medial tuberal process of calcaneus, medial and lateral intermuscular septa
· Insertion; middle phalanges of lateral four toes
· Function: flexion of middle phalanges of lateral four toes
· Innervation: medial plantar nerve


48. 발바닥네모근 Quadratus plantae

· Origin: medial and lateral sides of plantar surface of calcaneus
· Insertion: lateral and posterior margin of tendon of flexor digitorum longus
· Function: aids in flexion of lateral four toes by modifying pull by flexor digitorum longus tendon
· Innervation: lateral plantar nerve


49. 벌레근 Lumbricals

· Origin: flexor digitorum longus tendons
· Insertion expansions of extensor tendons of lateral four toes
· Function: flexion of metatarsophalangeal joints, possible extension of interphalangeal joints
· Innervation: medial plntar nerve to first lumbrical lateral plantar nerve to second to fourth lumbrical


50. 발바닥쪽뼈사이근 Plantar interossei

· Origin: medial side thrid through fifth metatarsals
· Insertion: medial side of proximal phalanges of same toes
· Function; adduction of toes
· Innervation: lateral planear nerve


51. 등쪽뼈사이근 Dorsal interossei

· Origin: adjacent sides of metatarsals
· Insertion: proximal phalanges, medial side of second toe, 2,3,4 lateral side od correspondingly numbered toes
· Function: abduction of toes
· Innervation: lateral plantar nerve